Service for requesting a hotel business license

A.1 is a building construction permit such as building conversion or building demolition: for those who wish to construct buildings and various structures, documents must be submitted to notify the local official.

A.5 is a building use change permit: a building that is not a controlled use building, such as a residential building. Shared residential buildings, parking buildings, etc. If you wish to use the building as a controlled-use building according to Section 32 and Ministerial Regulation No. 5 (1984) or wish to change the use of a controlled-use building for one business to use. It is a type of building controlled for use by another business. Must obtain a permit from the local official. For those who already have an existing apartment and want to change to a hotel Because they saw an opportunity that daily rentals were more worthwhile. Or those who have a private residence, an old house, an old building that has been inherited from ancestors, an old parking garage, if you want to turn it into a hotel to earn income. You must apply for a permit to change the use of the building or Form A.5 first.

A.6 is a certificate of building construction, building modification, or building movement: a building with controlled use. When construction or modification as permitted is completed. Permission must be granted to open the building. By notifying the form A.6 to local officials in order to inspect the construction or modification of the building. When the local official has inspected It is seen that before building or modifying a building Correct as allowed A certificate will be issued to those requesting permission to use that building.

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