Service for requesting investment promotion from BOI

Muenlan accepts consultations on BOI problems, requests for investment promotion, so that the work of the Office of the Board of Investment is quick and efficient, facilitating those receiving investment promotion. What is BOI…? BOI (Board of Investment) is the Office of the Board of Investment. Which is responsible for promoting    
investors in 3 main areas:

Helps reduce investment risk

Help reduce the burden of initial investment costs and help investors increase returns from investment. 3. Help provide advice and services in investing. The Office of the Board of Investment is an agency established to support investment promotion. By attracting foreigners to invest in Thailand Those who receive promotion from BOI receive benefits in the following areas:
– Taxation
– Corporate tax
– Land ownership rights
– Right to enter the country

But those who receive promotion must strictly abide by it. According to the regulations of BOI/Custom/Revenue Investment Promotion (BOI) Investment promotion is one of several measures to attract foreign investors to invest in Thailand. The main agency responsible for investment promotion is the Office of the Board of Investment. By the Office of the Board of Investment Has provided tax benefits to entrepreneurs in investment promotion zones. The Customs Department has the duty to supervise and be responsible for government taxes and to promote exports to entrepreneurs. To establish regulations for importing machinery and raw materials for enterprises approved by the Board of Investment to receive various benefits regarding import taxes. including supervision Facilitate and provide advice to entrepreneurs regarding tax benefits.

Benefits that entrepreneurs will receive
(1) Exemption from import duty on machinery or reduction of import duty on machinery to half.
(2) Exemption from corporate income tax for a period of 3 years, or in some districts this will increase to 7 -8 years.
(3) Exemption from import duties on raw materials or essential materials produced for export for a period of 1-5 years, depending on the area in which the factory is located.
(4) Allowed to deduct transportation, electricity and water expenses twice for a period of 10 years from the date of first earning income.
(5) The cost of installing or constructing a facility is allowed to be deducted from the net profit at 25 percent of the money invested in that matter. The above criteria are general criteria that the Board of Investment will consider as a guideline in granting rights and benefits to entrepreneurs, but there may be exceptions in cases where the type of business to be promoted is determined by the Board. has announced specific conditions regarding the granting of rights and Other tax benefits

Customs procedures that you should know for goods receiving investment promotion
(1) Implementation of import formalities for investment promotion import declarations. The importer prepares an import declaration for investment promotion (form กสก.99/1) and supporting documents as required to prepare for normal imports along with a copy of the BOI release order. The importer submits all documents. To the port where goods are imported The Customs Department will conduct an inspection of benefits and price-duty assessments. and order insurance or exempt from taxes and duties or tax deduction or collect taxes, as the case may be. Then return the documents to the importer. The importer takes the documents to place insurance or pay duties (if any) at the Accounting and Taxation Department. The importer brings proof of payment of duty or insurance along with all other documents to claim the goods at the inspection section. which will release goods in the same way as normal imported goods release.
(2) Tax insurance Trade insurance for taxes and duties according to the period specified by the Office of Investment Promotion at the port of import.
(3) List of raw materials and necessary materials. Raw materials and necessary materials imported for production mix or assemble It is a product or produce which has been approved by the Office of the Board of Investment to be exempt or reduced in taxes and duties. Those receiving the investment promotion must import it according to the period specified by the Office of the Board of Investment. and the quantity of the above mentioned items The Office of the Board of Investment prepares and informs the Customs Department by creating two accounts: an account showing the list and quantities of raw materials and essential materials that have been approved to be exempted or reduced in duty in each imported product price list. and on a 6-month period. In this regard, the Customs Department has designated a unit responsible for inspecting and controlling the accounts of raw materials and specific essential materials on a 6-month period as follows:

Bangkok Port Import Customs Office: Responsible for imports by ship into the Bangkok Port area.
Bangkok Airport Customs Office: Responsible for imports through Bangkok Airport.
The customs house that imports goods is responsible for imports through that customs house. According to the approval letter of the Provincial Investment Promotion Office
(4) Transfer of raw materials and necessary materials In cases where it is necessary to transfer raw materials and necessary materials that have already been submitted from one account to another The importer must submit a request for the transfer of raw materials and essential materials according to Form KorSor. 82 along with 1 copy for the accounting controller requesting the transfer to inspect. Once the approval has been considered, the agency controlling the account requesting the transfer will send the original request to the agency receiving the transfer. and keep a copy of the request as evidence at the office of the account controller requesting the transfer.
(5) Deletion of raw materials and necessary materials. When the period for importing raw materials and necessary materials is due. As specified by the Office of the Board of Investment Persons who receive investment promotion must prepare a report summarizing raw material accounts. and necessary materials imported and sent

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