Service requesting registration of all types of machinery

Muenlan We provide registration services for all types of machinery. We help you save time, convenience, and complete services in one place, completing every step, operated by a team of experienced advisors. and has specific expertise with more than 20 years of experience

What are the benefits of registering a machine?

  1. Receive working capital and new machinery. Entrepreneurs who register their ownership of machinery can use it as collateral with financial institutions to receive working capital for their business.
  2. Receive special financial privileges. Entrepreneurs will receive a loan amount of no more than 15 million baht per person, with a loan of up to 90% of the machinery purchase order, interest of 4% per year throughout the contract period and installments for up to 7 years.
  3. Tax Exemption: Entrepreneurs will be exempt from import duties on machinery and exempt from corporate income tax for 3 years in the proportion of 50 percent of capital, excluding land costs.
  4. Receive Fast Track registration. Entrepreneurs participating in the project can apply for registration of machine ownership through a special channel for SMEs within 3 days.
  5. Receive instructions, operators will receive advice on modifying machines. Equipment to increase production efficiency from a team of experienced consultants

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งานของเรา รองรับธุรกิจ ทุกขนาดและทุกประเภท
